Tuesday, September 3, 2013


In no particular order, and completely random- some of what's been going on around here!

Derek and Sara and their kids (our youth pastor from Virginia and his family) stopped in on their way to Maine to see us!  We really enjoyed the time of fellowship with this couple who are about to step out in faith and plant a church in Colorado.

Cameron has his permit and has been doing quite a bit of driving!

We got enough grapes from our grape vines to make a whole batch of grape jelly.  It is SO good!

(don't worry that it's not really "canned".  It won't last long enough to go bad :)

It's that time of year again.  You know, the time when my family begs me on Sunday afternoons to bake an apple pie?

Andrew had some money (he's been losing quite a lot of teeth!) and bought some BBs for the gun.  He has been target shooting.

Cameron is calibrating his thermometer for his first chemistry experiment.

 Leah and Alissa were apple picking from our tree when I saw a little commotion.  Apparently there were a ton of huge earthworms on the ground!

Bread.... I'm lucky if two loaves last us one meal!

Applesauce from the apples on our tree.  A little tart...I will need to add a sweetener!

 CC started for Caleb and Alissa.  I am Caleb's tutor and have 13 kids in my class!

And of course, my regular method of communicating with my firstborn :)

I have much to be thankful for!

1 comment:

  1. I love this. I know it's time consuming to blog. But I love reading and seeing these updates and posts. Thanks!:)


random thoughts

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