This is a catch up post of some things that have been going on in the Currier home!
- Cameron got his EMT license
- Cameron got his driver's license
- Brianna got a job directing the Challenge A program for CC
- Brianna bought a car
- Leah lost another tooth-her top front
- Leah learned to ride a bike
- Cameron got a job at Hot Table
- Leah turned 6
ALL of the kids accomplished things, but those 3 had a pretty significant month :)
We had a big hail storm. It was SO loud as the hail was just pounding on the roofing over the decks. Unfortunately it put holes in some of the roofing and did a number on my pumpkin plants!
One evening Micah took all sorts of things out of the cupboard, kept going outside to get grass, and then played for about an hour like this! It was a pretty big mess, but so cute and worth letting him do :)
We joined a church- finally! We absolutely love the pastor, his wife, and the people. Pastor Rick preaches the Word! Cameron even said once that he could listen to his sermons on his ipod. Alissa asked if his sermons were recorded because she'd like to get a copy if she ever missed a Sunday! These messages convict though- no beating around the bush for our pastor! It is a bit of a drive each week and we usually stay after church to visit with people. Micah fell asleep on the way home last week.
We went to Patriots Training Camp. Not as fun without the big boy cousins, but it was nice to be at Gillette Stadium and see the players in person.
Erik is up visiting one last time before his senior year of college begins. After helping Alissa with her science experiment, he showed Caleb a few little things using a breadboard.
School started!
In reading through Luke, I found in chapter 21 these three phrases that stood out to me:
"make up your minds" vs. 14
"be on guard" vs. 34
"keep on the alert" vs. 36
Through all of the little things that go on that make up each day, I need to not let my guard down. Life is a battle; and while enjoying the moments I need to be determined to be on guard and alert and to make up my mind to do what is right!
I love when you do these updates posts. I always love hearing and seeing all that's going on in your life. Lots of accomplishments!!! Awesome!! Love you so much!!