Club Hope. Always an amazing time and one that makes me emotional as I witness things that break my heart. We began planning for the event a few weeks ago and as food plans were being made, take home goody bags being put together, and small groups formed, I imagined that we would have 30-40 kids. Imagine my surprise when the vans and bus arrived at the church to see over 60 kids along with 6 mothers crowd into the foyer of the church! I couldn't believe the number of kids I had never laid eyes on! On top of that, some of our "regulars" were not even there.
We had many challenges that day. It began when Brianna's car wouldn't start. We had already left in the van with some of the kids but Bri was going to be shortly behind us. The big deal was that she had the bus and van lists in her trunk! We sent someone to get her, but she arrived after the bus and vans had to leave. I was pretty stressed before it even began. Not surprisingly, God did His work even though there were obstacles. It was an amazing time. We were able to pour into the lives of these homeless children and they were able to hear God's Word and the Gospel.
I don't have time to write about the doors that are being opened into the neighborhoods. The calls Matt has received from state workers, new families, and others. The new kids we are meeting and the desperation of the moms to have their kids hear about God! Sadly, the Christmas choir Brianna and I wanted to have at one of the hotels was denied because of its "religous nature". Apparently kids in Massachusetts aren't supposed to sing Christmas carols! The families were upset by this, but the hotel wouldn't budge. Please pray for this state, for the kids, and their families!
This wasn't just a time God had planned for the kids to hear the Gospel. Matt, Cameron (Mr. Bus Director! No small job, belive me!), and I had separate opportunities to talk with the bus driver. She is most definitely being drawn to the Lord and may have even made a decision to put her faith in Jesus on Saturday night. God is always at work!
Club Hope Christmas is next! Please pray for the details to work out and for children to be saved.
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