Saturday, January 24, 2015


I need encouragement.  I am at a season/time in my life where, to be quite honest, I am wearing a different hat at any given moment of the day. I have  A LOT going on and it seems like it's hard to find how they all connect.  My adult children have different needs than my still-wears-diapers-to-bed toddler.  Schooling a 6 year old and also a 15 year old has me swinging from phonics to algebra.  4 of us eat gluten free, while the others just need a plain old whole foods diet.  I often make 2 meals for every meal!  Ministry has me going in all directions too and I really want to be the kind of wife God wants me to be as well.

I am losing steam!

God has given me a source of encouragement that is lifting me up and gettng me out of the defeated, all alone, I can't do this mode.

Doorposts has, for years, been a resource I felt like I could depend on.  Recently though, the author of most of the books, Pam Forster, has been almost like a mentor to me, pointing me to Jesus and reminding me that I can do all He has called me to do with the strength that He gives me.

All families are different, and God hasn't called us to be just like their family.  I don't idolize them or try to be like them.  I don't even agree with all of their theology!  However, the books they write are so Bible based and pro-family that it is very practical, encouraging, and at times quite convicting.

I love how they use inductive Bible study and have books for kids that teach them to use Bible study tools to really study passages of Scripture.  They encourage parents and kids alike to look at life with the long-term in mind.  At Early Bird (our family's morning devotion time) we had been praying for a certain dollar amount so that I could order some things from the Doorpost website.  God answered and I was able to!  My order came yesterday.  Let me share!

This one is for Alissa:
 This one for Caleb:
 Probably my favorite so far!  Despite the fact that the name of the book and the cover are a little, well, not appealing to me, the book is fantastic!  It wasn't until Cameron was 16 that we were convicted about what things we were encouraging in his life and what skills he was learning that would help prepare him for being a provider for a family.  Now that Cam is very much thinking about his future as husband and provider, he is setting goals and working to develop skills that will be necessary to be the kind of husband and father that God wants him to be.  This  book is full of Scripture and practical application.  I wish I had gotten it sooner!  (I know a lot of people think college is necessary for future success, but we do not believe that.  We love having Cameron home and are enjoying the time spent investing in him.  He is already an EMT- possibly working toward being a paramedic- and is investigating many other opportunities that range from self-employment to learning new skills.  At 17 years old, he has not been a disappointment to us and his love for God, his work ethic, the way he works for HFK, and the way he interacts with his siblings, has made us so happy!)
 For me- and also for me to share with Brianna as she looks forward to becoming a wife.  I know she wants to be a wife that pleases God and her husband!
 I love this!  Leah and I have already started making her little family of pocket-sized dolls.  She sewed "Ruby's" dress all by herself yesterday.  The coloring book that goes along with it will have her memorizing Proverbs 31.

 I know that God and His word are completely sufficient.  I am so grateful though, for the encouragement He sends through others that are pointing me to Him!

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!! These books look and sound great!! So thankful for the encouragement they are bringing.


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