Thursday, October 27, 2016

dismissing the crowd

I read Streams in the Desert yesterday, October 26th.  First it references Matthew 14:22-23 where it says, "He made the disciples get into the boat, and go ahead of Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away.  And after He had sent the multitudes away, He went up to the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone." Then the devotional reads "Oh my soul, practice the solitude!  Practice dismissing the crowd!  Practice the stillness of your heart."

Practice dismissing the crowd.  That phrase has stood out to me over and over since yesterday as I think of what my "crowd" is.  Mostly it is the thoughts in my own mind.  Sometimes the demands.  Sometimes the children.  Mostly though, it is what is in my mind.  Crowds and crowds!  Crowds of lists, ideas, plans, thoughts, needless information.   And then, when I am overwhelmed, afraid, numb- rather than invite more of the crowd, hoping it will be a distraction and a band-aid for my hurting heart, I need to dismiss the crowd until it is just me and my Father. That's what Jesus did. 
 Dismiss it.  Walk away.  Seek His face.  HE is my band-aid.  More than my band-aid actually because He doesn't just cover my wound- He heals it. 

True peace and contentment will not come through the noise and distraction.  It will come with being alone with my Father. 

Dismiss the crowd, Erika, dismiss the crowd.

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