Sunday, July 21, 2013

party club

We were asked by a local church if we would help them with an annual celebration they were having.  It was designed to be an outreach as well and there ended up being around 50 kids there!  It was challenging as there were many distractions,but our team did a great job.  Matt and I were so proud of them for their hard work, joy, great attitudes, and all around performance!

They did Day Five of our 5-Day Club schedule but had to improvise some.  They told the whole missionary story of Hudson Taylor and even acted it out- making me really laugh! I love those guys!

 After lunch they made wordless book bracelets with the kids and did face painting as well.  We use the wordless book colors in both of those activities so the kids get the chance to hear the Gospel while participating.

We are always thankful when God gives us a chance to be used to share His Son with children.  For the next three weeks the kids will do 2 clubs per day.  Please pray for them and especially for the kids that will hear about Jesus- maybe for the very first time!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics, great work for the Lord! I love that picture of Matt; had to download it :-)


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