Saturday, September 14, 2013

It's Brianna with an update on Mom...

First, I will start off by saying this is Brianna. Mom is currently on bed rest and I am here to tell you why.

Wednesday night I got a text from my mom asking me to pray for her because she felt extremely sick...which was odd because my mama doesn't complain. ever. 
I asked some questions of Cameron and figured out it was extreme nausea and she had thrown up.
We thought, originally, that it might be the stomach flu or something. 
However, come the next morning, no relief was in sight, her symptoms were worsening, she was having stomach pain and a fever (infection!).
If it was the flu, I thought that the symptoms would be getting better within 24 hours. 
Now, my mom is one who will try to not let anyone know how bad off she is because she doesn't want to cause unnecessary worry or stress--so she sent my dad off to a meeting saying she was okay.
When I texted her to see how she was doing, she couldn't talk to me on the phone because she was feeling so sick. This was a big red flag because if i call her...she answers. 
Good thing there are 7 other sources still living in my house!
I heard from Cameron, Alissa, and Caleb that she was groaning in pain and unable to do anything.
So I took matters into my own hands. I called Jessica and asked if she could take care of dinner and the siblings that were home because I figured mom would be going to the doctor soon. 
When my dad came home he pretty much took one look at her and said "get in the car, we're going to the ER." (He is probably better at assessing and handling situations than anyone I know.)

While I was in class a few hours later, I got word that it was appendicitis (good grief! haven't we been down this road a few times already?!) She was in for her appendectomy at 6 that evening, and a little after 7 she was awakened. I could not have felt any worse for my poor mother! But she went home the next afternoon and is recovering now.

I am usually the one to help out my mom when emergency situations come up so it has been unbelievably difficult to be so far away from my family in this time. I know my daddy has things under complete control, though, and his attitude and encouragement have been a tremendous source of peace and strength for our whole family.  

Also, I know I can speak on behalf of our whole family when I say that our church family at Bethlehem Baptist has been very helpful with meals and prayers. Although this has been and will continue to be a difficult time for our family, we know God will take care of us and we are blessed that He chooses to do it through the people who are reaching out to our family during this time. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Brianna, for posting this update. I've been praying all day for your mama, my friend! I'm sure it meant the world to her to have you caring for her, even though it was long distance!


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