Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas Day

Christmas Day holds one of my favorite traditions of all: breakfast in bed!  Over the years it has made an amazing transformation from soggy cereal and cold toast, to a make-it-yourself menu with  no limitations!  This year I got a cheese omelette, bacon, and muffins (in the shape of a smiley face!).  Matt was leaning toward cinnamon rolls with milk and protein powder (???) so that's what he got.

Gifts have not ever been the main focus of our Christmas season and this year was no exception.  We really did enjoy giving gifts to our kids though and their grateful spirits made the giving so rewarding!

The boys loved their airsoft pistols and spent a good part of the day outside.

We were so excited to get money from a family member to buy a family gift.  We chose the game Ticket to Ride.  It has been SO MUCH FUN!!  At this stage in our life, we are waiting until Micah is napping or in bed at night before we play.  We'd hate for one of us to get all the way from the west coast to the east coast only to have Micah rearrange the board :)

Our Christmas Day was one that was Jesus-focused, relaxed, joyful, peaceful, and for sure one of the BEST ever. 

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