Sunday, October 26, 2014


So I've been studying a little bit of Einstein and his Theory of Relativity.  Although the details of it are far beyond me, the basic of idea of relativity has been on my mind.  Relative to most of the people I know, we are very poor.  Relative to most of the people in the world, we are very wealthy!  Relative to the world's ideaolgy we are foolish for making HFK Matt's full time job.  Relative to God's ideas we couldn't be any wiser.  I've been doing a lot of "relative to" fill-in-the-blanks.  David Platt's book Radical was a reassuring read for Matt and I a few years ago.  What is life really all about?  What does God want us to do with the resources He has given us?  My grandmother used to tell me how much she loved that it didn't take a lot to make me happy.  Well, my parents instilled in me the opposite of materialism.  They lived a life that demonstrated to me that making God's priorities your priorities is what really matters.   This life is short and what we live for is relative to our peace and joy in this world.  Relative to those who live with a consistent pay check, my life is very unstable.  Relative to the instability that our HFK friends J and S are living with, my life is the picture of stability!

I read Colossians 3 this morning.  Verse 15 stood out to me as I read it out of my NASB Bible.  I looked it up in two other translations. 
Here it is the the Amplified Bible: 
15 And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].

And here it is in the Complete Jewish Bible:
15 and let the shalom which comes from the Messiah be your heart’s decision-maker, for this is why you were called to be part of a single Body.
And be thankful —
When I am being ruled by the peace of Christ, I am able to make  decisions that will be deciding and settling.  The questions that arise in my mind and the doubts will disappear as I let His peace be my heart's decision-maker.  

Some questions: are we crazy?  don't we need/deserve more?  if I don't have ____ , does that mean that God is not providing?  Ruled by HIS peace, the answers to those questions will be NO, NO, NO and will lead to thankfulness.  And being thankful leads to a contentment that resists unrest.

Yesterday was a day that caused me to need Colossians 3:15 this morning.

Brianna, Andrew, Matt, and I left in the morning to pick up 8 children to bring to a church to help pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. The kids live a good distance away from us so it took a little while.  We went back to the church and it was an amazing blessing to watch the kids take part in this service project.  They watched a video that showed where the shoeboxes go and the reactions of kids who have received them in the past.  They couldn't believe it.  One little boy said, "I wish we could get a shoebox, but we have so much more than they do."  I had picked him up from his home.  He had mastered relativity.

After the packing party, we took the kids back to our house.  8 of them.  They had been surprised by the family who organized the party with shoeboxes of their own!  They were so excited to open them when they got to our house.  

Leah looked sick when we got there.  I noticed it in her eyes.  

The boys were acting so boyish!  They were doing things that they can't do where they live.  They begged to play tackle football (I said no- had to be touch!), they wrestled, they ran, they ate, they played.  I loved watching them.

My back went out.  Bad.  Matt ended up going to get x-rays for a rib injury, When it was time to take the kids home, Brianna was getting ready for work and I piled all the kids into the van.  I turned the key....nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  We prayed and I tried agian.  Still nothing.  Matt was still at the ER.  Brianna called a coworker who agreed to cover her shift for her and we made the first of 3 trips to bring the kids home in Brianna's car.  We started at 4:15 and I got home a little after 8:00.  By the time I got home, I could barely walk.  It took me a long and painful time to get into the house!  Leah needed some cold medicine by then and I went to bed early.  I was awoken by Micah's crying around midnight but Matt got up with him.  When Micah was still crying at 1:00 I took a turn.  I realized that now HE was sick.  I stayed in his room for the rest of the night as he cried it seemed all night.  We were supposed to go to a church where Matt was going to present HFK but without our van, my back out, and 2 sick kids we had to cancel.  

That's where Colossians 3:15 comes in.

We will be down to just 1 car- Brianna's- by Thursday.  If 2 kids are sick now, who will be next?  First of the month  bills are due in a few days.  I am committed to letting the peace of Christ rule in my heart so that I can settle with finality all questions that arise.  And, by God's grace, I will be thankful.

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