Saturday, January 5, 2013

new year

New year, new schedule, new outlook.....

Alissa asked me if I was going to post about Christmas.  I thought a lot about it before deciding the answer is  "no". This Christmas was a very special one- actually the whole season was.  The thing is, it wasn't because of anything I could take pictures of or put into words.  I anticipated Christmas like one who is thirsty anticipates water.  I needed the stillness, I needed Jesus.  

As a family, we had wonderful times of celebration and memory making.  But, when it was all over it was time to begin again.  I did a lot of reflecting on the year behind us and with much prayer realized that many things needed to change.  I wasn't accomplishing all my goals for myself and for my family.  

So, on January 2 we had a new start.  
It is just that- a start.  I need God and His grace to make it more than just a start and I am confidently expecting Him to do that!

Caleb tracing a map of the United States

Brianna getting ready to study for her advanced biology test.  She is memorizing 45 different muscles.  

Gotta love Saxon math!
Alissa free-handing Europe from memory.  Still is working on a couple of the smaller country borders but will be ready to draw and label countries and capitals by Tuesday!

Cam has a longer break than the rest of us do so he is taking advantage of it by staying in pjs a little longer.  :) He does have to finish this book before his CC class meets again though and he is on target to do it!

Part of Andrew's day involves listening to Keys for Kids and Adventures in Odyssey on the radio.  He does  Draw Write Now during that time- and loves it!

Leah LOVES "school" and has enjoyed my one on one time with her.

I was folding laundry yesterday afternoon and found these four pieces of clothing.  I got Brianna's attention and we both smiled.  Leah.  This is her very favorite outfit and she would like to wear it everyday.  Bri couldn't believe I let her wear it when we went grocery shopping.  I know too well though that she won't be wearing things like this forever and I am cherishing this time right now.  She really wants to just wear her "Rose shirt" (the tie-dyed shirt that looks like the one her friend Rose has) and the shorts.  I told her that it is winter and she can't wear short sleeved shirts and shorts.  She solves the problem by wearing the blue shirt under the tie dyed and the pants under the shorts.  Clever little stinker! ;)

Bri and Cam are taking an online course on the US Constitution that their grandfather recommended to them.  Here they are listening to a lecture.  (Brianna is the note taker ;)

I am so thankful for the many gifts God has given me.  A husband who is a Godly man and amazing leader of our family and precious children who make me so thankful  to be a mama.  Making changes to make their lives better is worth every sacrifice.


  1. i loved every single thing about this post. and i smiled the whole way through it :)

  2. I too loved every single thing about this. Always love these kinds of posts!


random thoughts

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