Monday, February 11, 2013


The sickness continues.....  this time it is Leah's turn to have pneumonia.  We are such a sharing family!  We have been sharing sick germs since August.    I let Caleb go longer before taking him to the doctor and by the time he was diagnosed, he was in pretty rough shape.  So with Leah, as soon as the fever came back and the cough turned, I knew I had to get her in before she got worse.  She needed a nebulizer treatment in the office.  She didn't like it, but she was a good sport.

 Leah is so precious!  She told me she wants me to buy her "one of these" for Christmas.  "One of these" would be the gown she is wearing.  She's pretty sure it could work as a nice dress :)  She asked me how many nurses she had seen and I told her three.  Two nurses and a doctor.  Her face lit up and she said, "That's plus!  Two plus one is three!"  Although it is sad seeing her sick, I really enjoyed all the time I spent with her today.  Just the two of us.  She is a ray of sunshine~


  1. Glad the doctor saw her right away. Hope the sickness ends soon for the family! Praying.

  2. poor leah. but a ray ofsunshine even with pneumonia! That last picture....all i see is Brianna years and years ago:( I remember her having those treatments too. Praying you all feel better soon!! No more sharing!!


random thoughts

So I've been doing a lot of thinking.  And resting.  And praying.  And reflecting. I can't believe I am a grandmother- with two mo...