Thursday, July 18, 2013


Micah has a big sister.  Well, he has three big sisters- but one can drive and has some spending money from time to time.  That sister (who will remain nameless) likes to make baby brother smile, or more like screech with joy, by bringing him home an occasional donut from Dunkin' Donuts. He LOVES his "nonuts"!  (and his sister)  

What's a trying-to-raise-healthy-kids mom to do?  Well, this morning I made my own "nonuts" and you can tell by his face I am now right up there with Big Sister in his mind :) We won't tell him they are baked, whole wheat, and are sweetened with rapadura.  Right?  I want to stay up on that pedestal ;)

1 comment:

  1. Soooo cute!!! That picture of him made me smile so big:) and those donuts....I want one!!:) yum!


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