Tuesday, November 19, 2013

what do you do

So, what do you do when your oldest daughter calls you on a Tuesday morning and says, "Promise you won't freak out if I tell you something?" -then proceeds to tell you that there has been a shooting in the lobby of her dorm?

What do you do?

Well, maybe you wonder at the fact that the night before when you decided to listen to a webinar on how to lead dialectic discussions in math, the speaker just happened to spend the first 15 minutes comparing anxiety and rest.  You might remember how interesting you found it as you saw that the consequences of anxiety were so negative and the benefits of rest were so positive.  You maybe remember agreeing in your heart that God wants us to rest in Him and not be anxious for anything.

You might even think about the fact that you decided to listen to a song during your Quiet Time with the Lord that morning and were encouraged by the words:

My hope is in You, Lord
All the day long, I won't be shaken by drought or storm
A peace that passes understanding is my song
And I sing my hope is in You, Lord

Those things just may cause you to think that the events of the early morning at the Annex at LU did not come as a surprise to God.  Quite possibly He knew all along and was preparing your heart to face a real fear you have.

It could be that you then stop and thank God for His goodness, faithfulness, compassion, protection, and care.

Just maybe.


  1. You give me courage. This mama job is hard.... I'm grateful to have you as my friend/mentor. Praying for you all.

  2. Absolutely perfect. So thankful our God gives rest and strength. And also so thankful that our Bri Bri is safe!!


random thoughts

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